The college does not carry any specific department as there are either one or two sanctioned posts for each subject. So far as the faculties of various departments are concerned, they are available for the traditional subjects such as Vyakarana, Sahitya, Jyotish, and Veda while the modern subjects include English, Hindi, Sociology, and Computer. To be specific, the following table may be taken into account:

S. No.Name of the FacultyPostSubjectNature of Appointment
01.Dr. Dilip Kumar ChoudharyAssistant ProfessorSociologyRegular
02.Dr. Pushkar AnandAssistant ProfessorSahityaRegular
03.Dr. Sumant Kumar DasAssistant ProfessorSahityaRegular
04.Dr. Krishna Kant PandeyAssistant ProfessorJyotishRegular
05.Dr. Ashutosh Kumar JhaAssistant ProfessorJyotishRegular
06.Dr. Amit Kumar ChandranaAssistant ProfessorEnglishRegular
07.Dr. Madhuri RaiAssistant ProfessorHindiRegular
09.Dr. Chandra Krishna MishraAssistant ProfessorVedaTemporary
10.Dr. Nav Krishna MishraAssistant ProfessorVyakaranaTemporary


SYLLABUS – Available on ‘CSU New Delhi’ Website.