The college also provides the facility of a library along with the reading room for the faculties and the students. This library contains almost all the important books for the learners. Most of the books are related to the courses being taught in the college. Very soon, the college library will also provide the facility of e-books and e-journals for the benefit of all concerned.
- This Library Card is compulsory for all the students of the college for the issue of book(s) from the library.
- This card is valid for one academic session. The card may be obtained from the library after making a payment of Rs.100/- only.
- Only two books may be issued on this card at a time.
- The borrower must return the book(s) within two weeks or 15 days, failing which s/he will be charged Rs.2/day as a fine for late return.
- The book(s) will be issued/returned in between 3-4 P.M. if the Librarian is not available in the college premises on all working days only on the production of this Library Card.
- In case, a borrower lost the book(s) or caused any physical damage to the book(s), s/he will have to pay the cost of the book as penalty without any argument.
- If the lost/theft/damaged case takes place repeatedly with a borrower, his/her card will be black listed by the Library Committee and no book will be issued to him/her in future.
- The students may study in the library only if the Librarian or Library Officer is present in the library.
- Nobody will be issued more than one Library Card in an academic year (except in special cases as decided by the Committee).
- On the completion of each academic session, no dues will be must for everyone before the issue of a new Library Card.
- A library is always supposed to be the most peaceful place to study. Therefore, the student(s) who spend time in library must ensure that there is no gossiping or noise at his/her/their end.
- Our College Library is our pride and none of us should compromise with its infrastructure and management rather we must cooperate in making it an ideal place of learning.